WUYA Online 2020
Do., 30. Apr.
|Online Retreat
Let's come together - online - for a time of creative nourishment and mindfulness! For further information, please scroll below the image. Thank you!

Zeit & Ort
30. Apr. 2020, 18:30 GMT+1 – 07. Mai 2020, 12:30 GMT+1
Online Retreat
Über die Veranstaltung
Wake Up Your Artist is a mindfuness and creativity retreat for young adults ages 18ish - 35ish
we also run the course with no age limits! For dates see our site and look for RUYA (Rise Up Your Artist)
Dear beloved people,
let’s come together for a week of fun, contemplation and exploring our true nature. This is an online experiment in which we get to cultivate creativity and mindfulness within our own homes.
Looking forward to meeting online and creating the atmosphere of togetherness and mutual support in this adventure - just like the offline wake up your artist retreat, which took place the past years in the Eiab.
So, this online WUYA (WUYAO) will be different: We will discover a new shared space for writing and dancing, painting and sharing, deep relaxing and meditating, together. Live and alive 🙂. Also, an online gallery page will help us create our very own WUYAO space within space.
Aware of the wonder and also the need for balance with our technology use and screen time, our sessions will be part-time with 'background screen' while you create in your home studios.
And … as nature is our real teacher 🌿 we will invite you to explore Spring time each day with free afternoons.
Starting Thursday with a welcome evening session. Closing Wednesday with a goodbye morning session. Sunday will be lazy morning with an evening session.
Schedule fri, sat, mon, tues
6.30 - 7.30 gmt / 7.30 - 8.30 cet morning sitting & movement 9.30 gmt -12.30 / 10.30 - 13.30 cet morning session & relaxation 18.30 gmt - 20.30 gmt / 19.30 - 21.30 cet evening session & sharing
20.30 - 21.00 gmt / 21.30 - 22.00 cet evening sitting
All you need is a screen, a daily internet connection, and your whole self 🙂.
We ask for a donation to support the tech and our time (suggestion 10EUR/day - more or less).